2013 is predicted to be a record year for mosquitoes in Massachusetts. The weather has been especially wet, which allows mosquitoes to breed rapidly.
The prediction seems to be coming true. Many towns in our area including Chelmsford, Lowell, Cambridge, and Westminster will soon be complaining about their mosquito control nightmare. There are noticeably more mosquitoes and they seem to be more resistant to the store bought protection like personal sprays and candles.
I would like to remind everyone in our area about our 5 T’s of mosquito control:
1. TIP – Reduce standing water to eliminate mosquito threats. Tip over children’s wagons or plastic toys, downspout catchers, plant saucers and dog bowls. Other hot spots include gutters, and flat roofs.
2. TOSS – Remove excess grass, leaves, firewood and clippings from yards.
3. TURN – Turn over larger yard items that could hold water like children’s portable sandboxes or bird baths.
4. REMOVE TARPS – If tarps stretched over firewood piles, boats or sports equipment aren’t taut, they are holding water.
5. TREAT – Hire a Framingham mosquito control professional. Using a mosquito barrier protection spray at home reduces the need for using DEET-containing bug spray on the body. Mosquito barrier protection eliminates up to 90% of the mosquitoes and ticks on your property. It is essential to protecting your family from mosquito bites and from potentially contracting mosquito-borne illnesses.