Folks in Chelmsford know the importance of protecting their lawns and areas around their homes with a quality barrier mosquito treatment. Many homeowners wonder, “Does rain wash away mosquito spray?” The answer is no. The right spray will kill adult mosquitoes and ticks on contact while the dried residue will help protect you and your family for up to 21 days.
Calling a mosquito control professional to eliminate mosquitoes in your yard is an important step in protecting your family and pets. There are also things that you can do as a Massachusetts homeowner to prevent mosquitoes from being interested in your yard. A mosquito only needs the tiniest bit of water in which to breed. Something as small as a bottle cap full of water can be the perfect egg laying location. It takes as little as 48 hours for mosquito eggs to hatch, given
the perfect conditions. It is important to toss standing water from things within your yard. Items such as birdbaths, dog bowls, children’s toys and tarps can collect rain water.
Mosquitoes love a warm humid environment. Many people notice the prevalence of mosquitoes after a rain in the summer time. Our awareness of seeing mosquitoes during warm weather after a rain can increase concern about your own treated yard.
Central Mass mosquito control is a job for the pros!
I highly recommend hiring a reputable mosquito barrier protection provider, as well as being vigilant with efforts to keep your yard free of standing water.