Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection

The Impact of Malaria, Past and Present

According to the World Health Organization, there were 290,000 cases of malaria in 2019.  This deadly mosquito-borne illness is nothing new.

mosquitoes are the deadliest animalsThe parasite that causes malaria was discovered in 1880, by French military doctor, Alphonse Laveran.  It took 17 years for Sir Ronald Ross to determine that this parasite was transmitted to humans by mosquitoes.  He dissected the stomach tissue of a mosquito, which had fed on an infected patient for four days, and found the parasite therein.  Since then, preventive medications and cures have been developed for this mosquito-borne disease.  Even so, there are more than 400,000 deaths reported each year.  These numbers are what make mosquitoes the deadliest animals on the planet.  Did this awful disease impact history, even before it was identified?  Many believe so!

Did these historical figures have malaria?

There have been many retrospective diagnoses of the disease.  One theory suggests that Alexander the Great died of malaria in 323 BC.  It is supposed that the death of Genghis Khan in 1227, was due to this nasty parasite.  Christopher Columbus fell ill with fever in the 15th century, which is now believed to have been malaria.  It is said that whole British garrisons were taken out with the yet-to-be-identified fever epidemic during the American Revolution.  This mosquito-borne illness is even credited with helping win that war!  Napoleon Bonaparte was afflicted in 1801, and is said to have used malaria in biological warfare in 1809.  By early 1810, the disease had killed 4,000 British troops after their arrival to aid Austria in the war against Napoleon.  Malaria accounted for over 1,000,000 illnesses and 10,000 deaths among soldiers in the American Civil War.

Did Genghis Khan die of malaria?

Did Genghis Khan die of malaria in 1227?

Notable 20th Century Infections

As we entered the 20th century, more efforts were made to control mosquitoes in hopes of avoiding infection of the deadly malaria parasite.  Early mosquito protection methods included mosquito nets and controlling the levels of waterways.  Still, the disease raged on.  Malaria played a big role in both World Wars, as well as the Vietnam and Korean wars.  According to va.gov, the U.S. Army accounted for 40,000 cases alone during the Vietnam war, resulting in 78 deaths.

US soldiers were widely infected in the 20th century

US soldiers were widely infected in the 20th century.

Some very public figures of the 20th century suffered from the disease.  JFK contracted malaria during the second World War.  In fact, eight of the 46 U.S. presidents are said to have suffered from the infection.  Among them, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.  Mother Teresa, who founded Missionaries of Charity, which cares for terminal patients of other diseases, was also a sufferer of malaria.  She was diagnosed in 1993 while on a visit to India, at age 82.

Effective Mosquito Removal

mosquito sprayThe threat of mosquito-borne illnesses eventually led to the development of DDT.  In the 1950’s DDT was deployed to eradicate adult mosquito populations, but later on, it was decided the environmental impact of the insecticide was too great to continue.  Since that time, EPA-registered Gardner mosquito removal formulas have been developed for use on vegetation.  Other forms of mosquito control include personal protection.  DEET is said to be the most effective personal mosquito repellent.  Permethrin is an effective insecticide, which can be applied to clothing or mosquito nets.  It is also used as topical medication to treat mites.  Though less effective, all-natural repellents are often used for yard spray, as well as personal protection.  Lemongrass, tea tree oil, and citronella are commonly used.  Barrier mosquito sprays are comprised of various essential oils.

Even with these advances, new ones are still being made each year.  New mosquito species are making their way to parts of the world, where they have never been.  New mosquito-borne illnesses are being identified.  Mosquitoes are becoming resistant to some insecticides.  All these issues make worldwide disease prevention with mosquito control essential, even for US residents.  With more than 200,000 US troops deployed to high-risk areas, the US government continues their research in proper protection.

Also read: Is this the new North American mosquito threat?

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert