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Tag Archive: mosquito-borne illness

Can cats get heartworm?

Cat owners are likely aware of common diseases, like Feline Leukemia Virus, but can cats get heartworm?

The simple answer to this question, is yes.  Cats can get heartworm disease.  Unlike dogs, cats are not suitable heartworm hosts.  This means that most worms will not reach adulthood.  Adult heartworms can reach lengths of up to 12 to 14 inches in dogs, and infestations can reach numbers in the hundreds.  This is because the adult worms actually reproduce inside of infected dogs.  Even though this will not happen in cats, it does not mean that cats cannot get sick due to heartworm infestations.  Even juvenile worms can cause your cat to be very sick.  Immature heartworms in cats can result in heartworm associated respiratory disease, also known as HARD.

We have dangerous mosquitoes. Will we be invaded by murder hornets in Central Mass too?

The idea that an insect can land a deadly blow to a human with a venomous sting would strike fear in anyone.  If you live in Central Mass, you are already familiar with our high populations of potentially deadly mosquitoes.  Rare, but deadly diseases, such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis, are spread by a simple mosquito bite.  Late last year, Massachusetts had 12 of the 34 reported cases of EEE in the United States, resulting in three deaths.