Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection

Heartworm prevention should not end with mosquito season

By now, most pet owners are aware of the threat of heartworm disease.  Infected mosquitoes pass the larvae to cats and dogs by biting them.  The larvae then enter the bloodstream through that bite.  Over time, the larvae become heartworms, which can reach sizes up to 14″ in length.  Heartworms can live inside their hosts for up to seven years.  Heartworm disease (dirofilariasis) is eventually fatal if left untreated.  Even cases that are diagnosed and treated, can leave your pet with lifelong effects, including heart  failure.  Prevention is key.

protect your pets with heartworm prevention

Protect your best friend all year long with heartworm prevention.

During prime Central Mass mosquito months, April through October, at-home mosquito control is essential to aid the prevention of mosquito-borne heartworm disease.  What about the months outside of “mosquito season?”  Commonly in cold winter climates, pet owners do not continue protecting their pets with heartworm prevention, because they believe that since mosquitoes are gone, so is the threat.  Due to the rise in cases of heartworm disease, with diagnoses in all 50 states, The American Heartworm Sociciety recommends year-round heartworm prevention for cats and dogs.

Heartworm in cats

cats cannot be treated for heartworm

Cats cannot be treated for heartworm disease.

Heartworms are known to live in a number of mammals, including dogs, cats, wolves, foxes, and coyotes.  There is no real way to predict heartworm disease occurrences in any region of the United States.  What is known, is that heartworm cases are spreading.  Changes in weather patterns and even massive weather events, such as hurricanes, literally carry mosquitoes great distances – into areas where they might not be expected.  Trade and travel also contribute to the growing numbers of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne illnesses.

If your cat contracts heartworm disease, there is no treatment.  Cats cannot receive the medications administered to dogs to eliminate heartworm disease.  While cats are atypical hosts, meaning the heartworms do not survive to adult stage in cats, immature heartworms cause very real damage to cats’ hearts.  If you are a cat owner, your first defense is with heartworm prevention.  This means mosquito protection around your home during mosquito season, and heartworm prevention medication year-round.  Cats should be tested for heartworm every 12 months, just like dogs.

Heartworm in dogs

Female heartworms grow to lengths of more than 14″ and widths of 1/8″.  They reproduce and grow and invade the heart, lungs, and surrounding blood vessels in dogs.  This potentially fatal mosquito-borne illness is preventable with monthly pills or chewable medications.  More recently, there are options for heartworm prevention injections, which are given every six or 12 months.  For those, who find it difficult to keep to a monthly medication regimen, the injections are a great option.  A dog can have literally hundreds of heartworm invaders in and around their heart and lungs!heartworms

Heartworm disease symptoms

Early stages of heartworm disease may be completely asymptomatic, or your dog might only show signs of a slight cough.  Later stages of heartworm disease result in lethargy, fainting, extreme physical exertion with little physical activity.  The American Heartworm Society recommends a specific treatment protocol.  Your dog will receive a shot on day one, and be sent home on crate-rest for 30 days.  On day 30, your dog will receive another injection, and return to crate rest.  Injections will continue on day 60, day 90, and day 91.  Your dog will be kept in hospital for the day 90 and day 91 injections.  After the final injections are administered, your dog must continue to rest for six to eight weeks.  As heartworms are killed, they begin to decompose in your dogs blood stream.  Physical exertion could result in death.

central mass mosquito prevention for heartworm

You love your pets. Give them year-round heartworm prevention.

Central Mass mosquito control in the summer, heartworm prevention all year

To protect your family from the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses, at-home, professional mosquito control is essential in the spring, summer, and early fall months.  When you are away from your home, personal mosquito protection is key.  There are dog-safe mosquito repellents and cat-friendly mosquito repellents that can be used when your pet spends lots of time outdoors when the weather is nice.  In addition to mosquito bite prevention, be sure your best friend is on veterinary prescribed heartworm prevention.  Heartworm is treatable in dogs, but it is lengthy, painful, expensive, and can leave your dog ill for the rest of his life.  Don’t take that chance!

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert