Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection

Natick Mosquito Control – Natick Massachusetts

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who actually likes being in the presence of mosquitoes. They’re nobody’s friends, but do they really care? Of course not. They’ll annoy the heck out of you and bite you, anyway, because that’s what they do.

mosquito control Natick

They’re much worse than annoying, though. In May 2018, the CDC released a report indicating that since 2004, diseases from mosquitoes and ticks have more than tripled. Diseases like West Nile virus, which has been in our area in recent years, and according to the Town of Natick’s website, has officially been detected in Natick mosquitoes as of August 1, 2018. While no human cases have been reported as of that press release, it’s only inevitable. But there are worse mosquito-borne illnesses to worry about than West Nile virus. Things like Eastern Equine encephalitis, which is rare, but potentially fatal, and Massachusetts has more cases of it than anywhere else. Yikes!

Natick mosquito controlWhile the Town of Natick falls under the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project (CMMCP) that works to protect the public from mosquitoes, CMMCP’s main concern is open bodies of water and other common areas such as parks and streets, not the private yards of its residents. The trucks that drive around at night with the fogging spray might reach the end of your driveway and the front of your property, but it won’t help with the Natick mosquito control in your backyard, or even near your front door. And isn’t it at home where you need it most?

Reputable mosquito control companies work to protect homeowners and their families in their own yard, picking up where CMMCP leaves off. They give homeowners the freedom and peace of mind they can enjoy the outdoors at home without worries of vector-borne illnesses. A traditional barrier treatment is the most effective solution for your home Natick mosquito control, eliminating up to 90% of mosquitoes and other biting bugs on your property for three weeks straight.

For three weeks? How does that kind of Natick mosquito control work?

It’s a common question – and a good one. People are often skeptical hat mosquito barrier protection is that effective and lasts that long, but we guarantee it.

Here’s how it works:

When your Natick mosquito control professional arrives at your house, the first thing they will do is get rid of any standing water and treat those areas with larvicide, which eliminates any larvae (mosquitoes in younger life stages) and also kills mosquito eggs. Places like tarps with standing puddles, children’s toys that have collected rain, or even puddles in your yard are prime mosquito playgrounds for eggs to hatch and grow into adult mosquitoes. It only takes a tiny amount of water about the size of a thimble to host a batch of eggs, which are usually 300 or more, that will eventually multiply into billions of mosquitoes in your yard!

mosquito spray NatickAfter larvaciding, they will start distributing a specially-formulated, EPA-registered barrier treatment spray. There’s a method to the order in which they will apply the treatment, essentially working from the perimeter inward, but don’t worry — they will avoid flowers and other things that bees like to pollinate. It generally takes about 20 minutes to do a thorough application of mosquito treatment on an average-sized yard, and they cover everything (aside from the aforementioned bee-friendly plants) from trees, bushes, leaves, woodpiles, lawn ornaments, even your deck and below it. When dry, it is now a colorless and odorless barrier on everything it was sprayed upon. As a micro encapsulated solution, it works much like any extended-release prescription you might get — the active ingredients gradually work at a steady pace. So any new mosquitoes or other biting bugs that land on our formula for the next three weeks will be eliminated upon contact.

Reputable mosquito control companies offer seasonal sprays so you don’t have to worry about rescheduling, which means more carefree time outside with family, doing things like having cookouts and playing fetch with your dog. And because they know you’ve got better things to do than remember when your next treatment is, they’ll always call you a day in advance and remind you that they’re coming. But you don’t even need to be home — they’ll leave a confirmation of treatment when we leave.

Want to take your Natick mosquito control to the next level? Check out misting systems.

mosquito control misting systemIf you live near a woodsy area, have waterfront property, or just want more control over the mosquitoes in your yard, I highly recommend an automatic misting system, for the hardest-hitting Natick mosquito control possible. Misting systems are programmed to release a mist of micro encapsulated formula for 30-45 second spurts at designated intervals, or at your command with the push of a button on a remote control or app. Misting systems ensure over 90% effectiveness and puts the mosquito control power in your hands. They are easy for our technicians to install and they will make sure to have them blend in with your landscaping as much as possible. Best of all — once installed, your mosquito control company takes care of all the maintenance for you, including spring setup, refills, winterization, and any repairs that might be needed. If anything goes wrong with your misting system, the technology alerts the company and they’ll come out and take care of it as soon as possible. The only finger you’ll need to lift is the one to push the button to trigger the system if you want!

all-natural mosquito protectionKeep it green with an all-natural Natick mosquito protection formula.

Mosquito protection companies offer products that are EPA-registerd, but know that there are some people who prefer to go as all-natural as possible whenever necessary. That’s why they have developed an all-natural barrier treatment which is based on essential oils.

Having a party? Get a special event mosquito protection spray!

mosquito control Natick MASpring and summertime are prime time for fun outdoor events like weddings, family reunions, and graduation parties. If you’re planning any kind of outdoor event this year, don’t forget to call for a special event mosquito protection spray! With special event services, mosquito control companies can ensure that the only guests are your party will be the invited ones.

They’ll come out to the site of the occasion one to three days in advance and spray the entire area with a traditional barrier treatment. It only takes 30 minutes to dry, and about 20 minutes to do the whole treatment (depending on how big the site is), so it’s easy to schedule around caterers, tent setup, and other party prep. They’ll be in and out before you know it, and you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your guests won’t be on the mosquito menu.

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert