Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection

What is causing the increase in mosquito populations?

Does it feel like there are more mosquitoes in Massachusetts than ever?

If you thought that 2021 seemed like the mosquito apocalypse, you are not wrong.  You might have found yourself swatting and dodging mosquitoes every time you ventured outdoors last year.  And the thing is, you might have even noticed that there were more mosquitoes all the way into fall.  Mosquito populations are expanding and the timeline formerly thought of as mosquito season is also growing longer.

What causes increased mosquito population?

What is causing the increase in mosquito populations?

But why the change…why now?

Mosquitoes not only survive, but thrive in warmth and humidity – two words that were oft not associated with life in Massachusetts in times past.  Climate change is trending.  Not just in the news media and social media, but there is an actual trend in rising temperatures.  European scientists found that 2021 was the fifth hottest year in recorded history.  Mosquitoes worldwide delight in the news.  Humans, not so much!  Mosquitoes now have more time each year to continue to procreate, and so they do.  This means that Massachusetts residents probably noticed mosquitoes farther into the fall than nearly ever before, and this trend is not likely to change in the short-term.

Speaking of short-term, Massachusetts also had the wettest July on record in 2021.  This could have resulted in an explosive number of breeding mosquitoes in July and August.  This is because mosquitoes must have water to breed.  If there is plenty of standing water on you property, you can bet you are unwittingly incubating the next generations of mosquitoes!

Weather isn’t the only factor in increased mosquito populations.

Ubanization is also believed to be playing a key role in increased populations of mosquitoes.  We humans are creating more favorable breeding environments.  Deforestation is seeing the Aedes mosquito specifically in greater abundance through higher larval development rates and longer adult mosquito life.  But it’s not just that.  Some mosquitoes in their unnatural environments have begun to prefer human blood over that of animals, because they are adapting to surviving among an abundance of human targets.

Decrease the mosquito population on your property with effective Peabody mosquito control.

Even in Central Mass areas, where municipal sprays are in force, I recommend implementing a plan for regular professional mosquito yard sprays.  Reputable mosquito control companies will offer different levels of protection, including EPA registered and all-natural yard sprays.  Depending on the method you choose, you will experience 80 to 90% fewer mosquitoes in your personal space between applications.  The yard sprays are typically scheduled for two to three weeks apart to continually protect your family from springtime through fall.  Additionally, professional mosquito control technicians can identify mosquito breeding hot spots around your property to not only treat them, but to show you how to neutralize them.  Central Mass mosquito control is more important than ever in the fight against mosquito-borne illnesses.

Also read: All-natural Mosquito Control and Natural Mosquito Predators