Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection

Mosquito Control Starts With You

You And A Professional Mosquito Control Service Will Give Those Awful Bloodsuckers The Whammy For Good

It’s not rocket science. Rather, it’s good information from a trusted source like your local mosquito control service expert.  Mosquitoes carry a variety of diseases that can be deadly, such as West Nile Virus and Malaria.  If you’re not sure how to control the mosquito population in your yard, your local mosquito control experts are always ready to help. Advice from these highly-trained mosquito control technicians will provide you with helpful tips to protect your family and home from mosquitoes.

You and mosquito control service experts can work together to protect your family.

You and mosquito control service experts can work together to protect your family from the threat of mosquitoes.

Also read: Are tick and mosquito yard sprays the same?

Mosquito control service experts recommend the following to keep mosquitoes away from your home.

Tip It Over: Get rid of standing water in all of your outdoor spaces. Check for standing water in your child’s plastic toys and beach pails, areas underneath gutter downspouts, on the rims of plant saucers, and dog bowls. Other areas to watch for are tarps, gutters, and flat roofs. Keep them as dry and water-collective free as much as possible,

Toss It Out: Remove excess grass, leaves, firewood, and grass-clippings from your yard every time you mow your lawn and groom your landscape. Keep it debris-free as much as possible.

Turn Over: Turn over larger yard items that can easily collect and hold exterior water reserves, like children’s portable sandboxes, plastic toys, or birdbaths.

Remove Tarps: If your protective tarp covers stretched over firewood piles, boats, or sports equipment aren’t taut and secure, they may be a holding water source that can become a mosquito infestation ground. Don’t allow that to happen.

Clean Up Your Act: Be diligent and take good care of home maintenance needs that can lead to standing water. This includes cleaning out gutters, making sure downspouts are adequately attached, keeping your grass cut low, and checking your irrigation system for leaks which can allow water to pool up and heavily saturate your property.

Team Up With Your Neighbors: Like many times in life, teamwork is crucial for permanent mosquito control. Despite taking all precautions in and around your own home, talking to neighbors and sharing this proactive guidance is a crucial component to long-term mosquito control. Homes with little space between lots can mean that mosquitoes breed at a neighbor’s house and affect your property.

Get Regularly Scheduled Mosquito Control Treatment: Utilize a professional mosquito control company to treat all areas around your home and yard.

Also read: How do mosquitoes target humans?

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert