Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection

Do we have cases of West Nile virus in Massachusetts this year?

We do have a few cases of West Nile virus in Massachusetts in 2022.  As of October 4, 2022, the CDC reports that Massachusetts has had five confirmed cases and no deaths this year.  This is half the number of confirmed cases in Massachusetts for 2021.

We have half the number of 2021 West Nile virus in Massachusetts in 2022

More About West Nile Virus

West Nile virus ( WNV ) is an infectious disease that causes fever, headache, vomiting, muscle aches, and swelling of the liver. While it can be found throughout North America and parts of Europe, it was first discovered in Africa in 1937 and has since spread to nearly every continent. In 2017, WNV was discovered in New England for the first time ever.

What is West Nile?

West Nile virus is a Flavivirus that was first discovered in 1937 in West Nile, Uganda. The virus is transmitted by the Culex pipiens mosquito. There are no treatments for West Nile virus and it is able to establish itself in animals and humans with few exceptions. It is therefore important to prevent West Nile virus from spreading in the first place. West Nile virus is a Flavivirus that was first discovered in 1937 in West Nile, Uganda. The virus is transmitted by the Culex pipiens mosquito. There are no treatments for West Nile virus and it is able to establish itself in animals and humans with few exceptions. It is therefore important to prevent West Nile virus from spreading in the first place.

How West Nile Spreads

West Nile Virus is a Flavivirus that can be found in birds and mammals. When a bird is infected with WNV , it can then pass the virus to other birds through their feces. Culex mosquitoes are the main carriers of WNV because they are specifically looking for birds to eat. Once a mosquito feeds on an infected bird, they will then become infected as well. The mosquito will then begin to look for other birds to which they can then pass on the virus. Birds are the next most common way in which WNV is passed on to humans.

How to Protect Yourself From West Nile Virus in Massachusetts

There are many ways to protect yourself from West Nile. The first and most important is to practice good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently, use a good hand sanitizer, and clean up any potential areas where mosquitoes could breed. If you are outside for any amount of time, especially in areas where mosquitoes are prevalent, always wear long sleeves and pants and use a mosquito net when possible. Also, if you are going to be outside for a long period of time, always take care to stay hydrated and take breaks every hour or so so you do not overheat. If you find yourself with a mosquito bite, do not scratch the bite because you could end up with a mosquito bite infection. Immediately apply a strong lotion to the bite and wash your hands thoroughly.

Grafton Mosquito Control for Prevention of West Nile Virus

You can wear long sleeves and pants.  You can take breaks when working outdoors.  You can even rid your yard of potential mosquito breeding habitats.  But if you want the most and best protection from mosquitoes, choose professional Grafton mosquito control from April through October.  Reputable mosquito control companies offer a variety of insecticide and repellent solutions to suit your personal needs.  A regular mosquito barrier protection spray schedule will ultimately protect you and your family at home.  EPA-registered sprays offer up to three weeks of protection.  Natural repellent sprays offer protection for up to 14 days before a reapplication is required.

Also read: When should I plan for mosquito control?

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert

Dave Macchia, Central Mass Mosquito Control Expert