T Warner
July 25, 2022
Mosquitoes, What is the worst time of day for mosquito bites?
mosquito bites, mosquitoes, what time are you more likely to get mosquito bites
Mosquitoes can’t take the heat. So, when are you more likely to get mosquito bites? Female mosquitoes are most active and most likely to bite us during early morning hours before the sun has fully come up and the air temperature isn’t as hot. Mosquitoes find daylight to be deadly, as direct daylight can dehydrate them. Burn, baby, burn!
T Warner
July 22, 2022
Mosquito Bite
mosquito bite prevention, mosquito bites
Often, aside from the aggravating, incessant itching, you may not give much thought to mosquito bites. But mosquito bites can be the beginning of a nightmare. One reason is that some folks who have a hypersensitivity to mosquito bites. A…
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T Warner
July 22, 2022
Mosquitoes, Why do mosquitoes love happy hour?
mosquitoes, outdoor parties, why do mosquitoes love happy hour
Who doesn’t love happy hour? It marks the end of a workday, a time to unwind from the day’s stressors. If you revel in an outdoor after-work cocktail, you are not alone. Beings of the non-human sort are well-known cocktail hour party crash artists. Who knew that tipping a cocktail or two outdoors on your deck or outdoor living patio space could spell trouble for yourself and your revelers?
T Warner
July 8, 2022
Mosquito Control, Mosquito Control Service
mosquito control, mosquito control service
It’s not rocket science. Rather, it’s good information from a trusted source like your local mosquito control service expert. Mosquitoes carry a variety of diseases that can be deadly, such as West Nile Virus and Malaria. If you’re not sure how to control the mosquito population in your yard, your local mosquito control experts are always ready to help. Advice from these highly-trained mosquito control technicians will provide you with helpful tips to protect your family and home from mosquitoes.
T Warner
June 29, 2022
How to Keep Mosquitoes Outside Your House, Mosquitoes
keep mosquitoes outside your house, mosquitoes, mosquitoes in your house
Here’s how to keep mosquitoes outside your house. Apart from the dangerous diseases spread by mosquitoes such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever, mosquitoes can be very annoying since mosquito bites can keep itching long after the bite. Also irritating is the buzzing noise they make that can prevent you from falling asleep. Yeah. They really suck. There are certain steps you need to take if you are wondering how to control mosquitoes at home should they happen to find their way inside.
T Warner
June 29, 2022
Do mosquitoes only eat blood?, Mosquitoes
blood meal, do mosquitoes only eat blood, female mosquitoes, male mosquitoes, mosquitoes
Have you ever wondered what do mosquitoes eat besides our blood? You know, what else gives them nourishment and pleasure when they are not feasting on our exposed ankles, arms, legs, and even our faces? Contrary to what you think may be true, mosquitoes don’t feed solely on our blood. In fact, only female mosquitoes feed on blood in order to reproduce. The mosquito diet varies depending on their life stage.
T Warner
June 13, 2022
Mosquito Bite, Why does a mosquito bite itch for so long?
mosquito bite, mosquito bites
Our body’s immune system then kicks into gear and releases a histamine in response to the bug’s saliva. The histamine is a defense mechanism your body uses to fight infection and help heal. With the saliva in your body and the histamine released, your body responds with a small area of swelling and itching – a mosquito bite.
T Warner
June 6, 2022
Mosquito Control Central Mass, Mosquito Protection
fans for mosquito control, mosquito control, oscillating fans, outdoor fans
Outdoor fans are a minimal, temporary solution for shooing mosquitoes away. And they certainly don’t eliminate them. I told our new friends that if they planned on entertaining out there often – and they do – they need professional Central Mass mosquito control. Treatment – not circulating air – is the best mosquito defense. Ensure that the finest barrier spray treatment you can locate is applied on a regular basis – every 21 days in most Central Massachusetts areas.
T Warner
May 27, 2022
Mosquitoes, Why do mosquitoes bite us?
mosquitoes, why do mosquitoes bite us, why mosquitoes bite us
No, really…why do they enjoy biting us so much? Like miniature flying Draculas, mosquitoes bite us because they need our blood. Gross, isn’t it? Mosquito bites are the itchy bumps that appear after mosquitoes use their mouthparts to puncture your…
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T Warner
May 27, 2022
Mosquito Protection, Mosquito Repellent
mosquito protection, mosquito protection at the beach, mosquitoes
When preparing for your next day at the beach, prepare to get bitten by mosquitoes – just to be on the safe side. You love the beach. Your dos love the beach. Your whole family loves the beach. Well…so do mosquitoes! In addition to sunscreen, pack mosquito protection when away from home. DEET is the most widely available and tested repellent. Products containing DEET are safe when used according to the directions.