Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection

Tag Archive: mosquito control

Effective Leominster Mosquito Control

I don’t really need to tell you that mosquitoes are annoying. You know that. But did you have any idea how dangerous they are? So dangerous, in fact, that they’re literally considered deadliest animal in the world, because of all…
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Billerica Mosquito Control – Billerica Massachusetts

It should be a top priority to provide your home and family in Billerica with the best mosquito protection available.  At-home Billerica mosquito control is essential to the health of your whole family, including your pets. Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying and their bites aren’t just an itchy inconvenience — they can also carry some serious diseases, such as West Nile Virus and the rare, and potentially fatal Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), of which Massachusetts unfortunately has the distinction of having the highest number of cases in the country.

Natick Mosquito Control – Natick Massachusetts

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who actually likes being in the presence of mosquitoes. They’re nobody’s friends, but do they really care? Of course not. They’ll annoy the heck out of you and bite you, anyway, because that’s…
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Heartworm prevention should not end with mosquito season

Over time, the larvae become heartworms, which can reach sizes up to 14″ in length.  Heartworms can live inside their hosts for up to seven years.  Heartworm disease (dirofilariasis) is eventually fatal if left untreated.  Even cases that are diagnosed and treated, can leave your pet with lifelong effects, including heart  failure.  Prevention is key.

Burlington Mosquito Control – Professional Mosquito Protection

Prior to 2005, the idea of private mosquito control in one’s own yard seemed like a far-fetched idea. But then professional mosquito control companies came along and introduced traditional barrier spray treatments to homeowners. The top priority of professional mosquito…
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Peabody Mosquito Control – Peabody Massachusetts

Bzzzzzzzzzz! SMACK! Bzzzzzzz! SMACK! “Ugh, let’s go inside.” Sound familiar? That’s the sound of summer for many people without Peabody mosquito control being chased out of their yards and back into the house by these pesky bugs. This has probably…
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Aerial Mosquito Sprays and Limited Outdoor Activities in Worcester MA in Answer to EEE Threat

With seven human cases of EEE in Massachusetts this year, resulting in one death, the state performs additional aerial mosquito sprays, and asks everyone to heed curfew warnings. After the death of a Massachusetts resident and even nine confirmed animal…
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Mosquito protection is essential at home and abroad

Many Central Mass residents are wise to mosquito protection measures at home, but how many of us actually consider the importance of protecting our families while on vacation? Summertime travel season is in full swing, and many Central Mass residents…
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Central Mass mosquitoes – what’s all the buzz about?

Have you ever been trying to get a good night’s sleep, but you keep getting awoken by a pesty mosquito buzzing by your ear?  The sound is maddening, and though you might attempt to swat at the mosquito in the…
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Looking for at-home mosquito control measures? Follow these simple practices!

Inform your whole family about these easy methods of mosquito control, and make mosquito protection a family affair! Treating your Central Mass lawn and areas around your home is crucial to mosquito control and preventing itchy bites or mosquito-borne illnesses in your family and pets.