T Warner
August 27, 2021
Aedes mosqutioes, Culex mosquitoes, Culex vs. Aedes, Mosquitoes
Aedes mosquitoes, Culex mosquitoes, difference between Culex and Aedes mosquitoes
First, let’s discuss what these two mosquitoes have in common. When it comes to obtaining a blood meal for the purpose of reproduction, both mosquitoes are the same. Both have four life stages – egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Female Culex and Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, and both are potential vectors for harmful diseases. Even with these general similarities, these two mosquito genera have many differences.
T Warner
August 16, 2021
Do hornets eat mosquitoes?, Mosquito Control, Mosquitoes, Worcester mosquito control
do hornets eat mosquitoes, hornets, mosquito predators
In 2020, we heard a lot about Asian giant hornets. Fortunately, Worcester residents did not acquire these hornets.
However, according to Mass Audubon, we have quite a few hornet, bee, and wasp species in Worcester. One type of hornet is quite large. The European hornet (Vespa crabro) is alarming. They can grow to 1.5″ in size. European hornets are loud, obnoxious fliers, and are often confused for murder hornets. Their stings pack a punch too! You might have noticed these hornets flying around your outdoor lights at night or early in the morning. Why do they swarm your porch lights? These hornets eat insects that are attracted to light. They also chew insects to feed to their young.
T Warner
July 30, 2021
Culex ciliata, Mosquitoes, Psorophora ciliata, Toxorhynchites rutilus, What is the biggest mosquito?
biggest mosquito, Cambridge mosquito control, what is the biggest mosquito
Mosquitoes are everywhere here in Cambridge Mass. Some can barely be seen. Others are quite big. Have you seen monster-sized mosquitoes this year?
If you are wondering if the mosquito below is the biggest mosquito, the answer is no. It is larger than many – one of the largest, in fact. This photo is of a lowly Psorophora ciliata mosquito, which met its untimely demise indoors. A male mosquito can live an average of one week inside your home. Females will find a delicious blood meal in your home, but she will be unable to live long after biting you. Three weeks at most.
T Warner
June 4, 2021
Mosquitoes, When is mosquito season?
mosquitoes, new england mosquito season, when is mosquito season
The northeastern United States is a high-risk mosquito-borne illness region. Is there a defined mosquito season?
If being in the field of mosquito bite prevention has taught me one thing, it is that most people inaccurately label summertime as “mosquito season.” While we do see more mosquitoes in the summer, this is not mosquito season. Nature brings them out when the time is just right – but not only in the summer.
T Warner
June 3, 2021
Can cats get hearworm?, Mosquito-Borne Illnesses
can cats get heartworm, can cats get heartworms from cats, can cats get heartworms from dogs, heartworm, heartworms, mosquito-borne illness
Cat owners are likely aware of common diseases, like Feline Leukemia Virus, but can cats get heartworm?
The simple answer to this question, is yes. Cats can get heartworm disease. Unlike dogs, cats are not suitable heartworm hosts. This means that most worms will not reach adulthood. Adult heartworms can reach lengths of up to 12 to 14 inches in dogs, and infestations can reach numbers in the hundreds. This is because the adult worms actually reproduce inside of infected dogs. Even though this will not happen in cats, it does not mean that cats cannot get sick due to heartworm infestations. Even juvenile worms can cause your cat to be very sick. Immature heartworms in cats can result in heartworm associated respiratory disease, also known as HARD.
T Warner
February 4, 2021
Mosquitoes, Ticks, Will mosquitoes survive snowfall?, Will snowfall kill ticks?
mosquitoes, mosquitoes and ticks, ticks, will mosquitoes survive snowfall, will snowfall kill ticks
With nearly 53″ of snowfall this winter, Worcester is the reigning snowiest city in the United States. Central Massachusetts is no stranger to winter snow. What else is prevalent in our area, outside of winter? Mosquitoes and ticks! Is the 2021 nor’easter a good thing for these Central Mass pests? You might be surprised at the answer.
T Warner
January 22, 2021
Did these historical figures have malaria?, Malaria, Mosquito-Borne Diseases, Mosquito-Borne Illnesses
Alexander the Great, Christopher Columbus, did these historical figures have malaria, Genghis Khan, JFK, Malaria, mosquito control, mosquito protection, Mother Teresa, Napoleon Bonaparte
According to the World Health Organization, there were 290,000 cases of malaria in 2019. This deadly mosquito-borne illness is nothing new. The parasite that causes malaria was discovered in 1880, by French military doctor, Alphonse Laveran. It took 17 years for Sir Ronald Ross to determine that this parasite was transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. He dissected the stomach tissue of a mosquito, which had fed on an infected patient for four days, and found the parasite therein. Since then, preventive medications and cures have been developed for this mosquito-borne disease. Even so, there are more than 400,000 deaths reported each year. These numbers are what make mosquitoes the deadliest animals on the planet.
T Warner
January 19, 2021
Aedes vittatus, Mosquitoes
Aedes vittatus, Chikungunya, Dengue fever, mosquitoes, yellow fever, Zika
A mosquito trap is set at Guantanamo Bay detention camp every week. Typically close to human sleeping quarters, the trap can catch up to 3,000 mosquitoes in only one week. Captured mosquitoes are sorted and sent to Maryland for identification. Researchers at Fort Meade are so versed in mosquito species identification, they can identify them by sight. When an unidentifiable mosquito is found, it is sent for DNA testing. This happened in January 2019, when a strange-looking female mosquito was found. Like the Asian Tiger mosquito, she was very distinct in appearance. She had marked white spots on her abdomen.
T Warner
January 4, 2021
Central Mass Mosquito Control, Mosquito Control
Central Mass mosquito control, health, mosquito control, well-being
New year, new goals. Just like the turn of every year before, 2021 comes with promises of a fresh start. It is reported that about half of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but only about 10% follow through with them. Instead of holding yourself to stringent resolutions this year, why not set simple goals each month instead? There is no better time that 2021 to try to focus on our own self-care. Perhaps at the beginning of each month, we could try a new method of improving our own health and well-being. Here are some great ideas to achieve health and happiness now and throughout the year.
T Warner
December 30, 2020
All-Natural Mosquito Bite Relief, Mosquito Bite Relief, Mosquitoes
all-natural mosquito bite relief, Bug Bite Thing, mosquito bite relief, mosquito bite relief tools
There is no surefire 100% protection from mosquitoes. You might find that it is more difficult to protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites away from home. Hiking, camping, vacationing…all these outdoor scenarios present a potential for mosquito bites. Non-infectious mosquito bites can result in a skin reaction. This skin irritation comes from toxins in mosquito saliva. If you have been bitten by a mosquito, you are probably familiar with the bump, redness, and itching a bite can cause. If not properly addressed, your scratching can lead to a skin infection. It’s better to be safe than sorry. The good news is, there are more than a few options for mosquito bite relief.