Tag Archive: mosquito protection
Central Mass Mosquito Control | Mosquito Protection > mosquito protection
T Warner
March 21, 2024
Mosquito Control, Mosquito Protection, Mosquitoes
getting rid of mosquitoes, mosquito control, mosquito protection, mosquitoes
Getting rid of mosquitoes in your yard requires a multifaceted approach that targets both their breeding sites and adult populations. However, mosquitoes cannot be gotten rid of permanently. These persistent pests not only disrupt outdoor activities but also pose health risks. They carry and spread diseases, like dengue, EEE, and West Nile virus. Implementing effective Worcester mosquito control measures can reduce their numbers and create a more enjoyable outdoor environment.
T Warner
May 27, 2022
Mosquito Protection, Mosquito Repellent
mosquito protection, mosquito protection at the beach, mosquitoes
When preparing for your next day at the beach, prepare to get bitten by mosquitoes – just to be on the safe side. You love the beach. Your dos love the beach. Your whole family loves the beach. Well…so do mosquitoes! In addition to sunscreen, pack mosquito protection when away from home. DEET is the most widely available and tested repellent. Products containing DEET are safe when used according to the directions.
T Warner
April 15, 2022
Clothing That Hampers Mosquito Protection, Mosquito Protection
clothing that hampers mosquito protection, mosquito protection, what not to wear
Perhaps this is not where you think to go to get fashion advice. As it pertains to mosquito protection, I would like to offer my rendition of What Not to Wear. This is because just like humans, mosquitoes have their…
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T Warner
April 8, 2022
Mosquito Control
mosquito control, mosquito protection
Mosquito control does not end at the property line. Nor do mosquitoes stay on their side of the fence. If you have close neighbors, it is important that you maintain an open line of communication about mosquito control and protection. …
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T Warner
February 23, 2022
Mosquito Barrier Protection, Mosquitoes, West Nile virus
mosquito protection, mosquitoes, one million mosquitoes, Shrewsbury mosquito control
If you ever thought mosquitoes to simply be a nuisance, or a necessary evil for our ecosystem, perhaps you have not imagined how large a problem they actually are. In the past, I have written about the largest mosquito and burgeoning mosquito populations. If you have ever been to an outdoor party and suffered a mosquito bite or two, you likely haven’t thought about how large their numbers actually are. Shorter winters and rising temperatures in Central Mass (and everywhere) have seen those numbers grow over the last decade or more. How large could the mosquito population be?
T Warner
December 3, 2021
Mosquito Control
all-natural mosquito control, experience gifts, mosquito control, mosquito protection, special event spray
‘Tis the season for stressing over finding the perfect gift for every special someone on your list. Maybe they already have everything they want. Maybe they are growing out of toys but won’t appreciate practical gifts, like clothing. Over the last few years, families are realizing that Christmas often creates a lot of extra work. Clearing out toys to make room for new ones. Putting toys together. Forgetting to purchase batteries. Not being able to get your hands on the hottest gift. No matter the struggle you’re facing, here are awesome experiences that are sure to please!
T Warner
January 22, 2021
Did these historical figures have malaria?, Malaria, Mosquito-Borne Diseases, Mosquito-Borne Illnesses
Alexander the Great, Christopher Columbus, did these historical figures have malaria, Genghis Khan, JFK, Malaria, mosquito control, mosquito protection, Mother Teresa, Napoleon Bonaparte
According to the World Health Organization, there were 290,000 cases of malaria in 2019. This deadly mosquito-borne illness is nothing new. The parasite that causes malaria was discovered in 1880, by French military doctor, Alphonse Laveran. It took 17 years for Sir Ronald Ross to determine that this parasite was transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. He dissected the stomach tissue of a mosquito, which had fed on an infected patient for four days, and found the parasite therein. Since then, preventive medications and cures have been developed for this mosquito-borne disease. Even so, there are more than 400,000 deaths reported each year. These numbers are what make mosquitoes the deadliest animals on the planet.
T Warner
September 11, 2020
Is Malaria Still a Threat?, Malaria
can malaria be prevented, how many cases of malaria are reported in the united states, is malaria still a problem, is malaria still a threat, mosquito control, mosquito protection, who's at risk for contracting malaria
Malaria is a potentially fatal mosquito-borne illness with a long history. The parasites responsible for malaria infection were first identified around 1880. Since then, mosquitoes carrying these parasites have been found preserved in amber, believed to be 30,000,000 years old. Is malaria still a threat? Even though malaria was eliminated in the United States in the early 1950’s, it remains a threat in other parts of the world today. There were more than 400,000 known malaria deaths throughout the world in 2018. More than 90% of malaria deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa.
T Warner
July 13, 2019
Mosquito Control, Mosquito Control Central Mass, Zika Virus
Central Mass mosquito control, Central Mass mosquito protection, mosquito control, mosquito protection, vacation
Many Central Mass residents are wise to mosquito protection measures at home, but how many of us actually consider the importance of protecting our families while on vacation? Summertime travel season is in full swing, and many Central Mass residents…
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T Warner
May 17, 2019
Mosquito Barrier Spray, Mosquito Control, Mosquito Control Central Mass, mosquito spray and flowers
alcohol attracts mosquitoes, backyard party, Central Mass Mosquito Event Spray, Central Mass mosquito yard spray, flowers attract mosquitoes, Memorial Day party, mosquito barrier protection, mosquito protection, mosquito spray
Certain foods that are high in lactic acid will create a build-up of lactic acid on your skin, causing mosquitoes to hone in on your tastiness! Another menu item that will make mosquitoes add you to their own menu, is alcohol.